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Krishnaji Hawlaji Ara

Krishnaji Hawlaji Ara was born in April 1914 in Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Being the son of a chauffeur, Ara lost his mother at the age of three. He ran away to Mumbai after his father remarried at the age of seven and found himself working as a car washer at the age of seven. He also took part in the Civil Disobedience Movement and Gandhi's Salt Satyagraha and was jailed for five months. 

Experiencing extreme poverty during his life, Ara always continued to take interest in art and painting. It was the famous art critic Rudy von Leyden from the Times of India who came across his work and later on Walter Langhammer, the editor of Illustrated Weekly of India, who got impressed by his skills and encouraged him to take up painting full time. It was Walter who enr...

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Some of Artworks

Untitled (Still Life)
Mixed Media on Paper, 28" x 21"
Oil on Paper, 26" x 24"